Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Letter 2011

Well folks… it has been another glorious year for me. I know I have not had much time to spend with each one of you, but that doesn’t mean I like you any less. Instead of writing in each card what has happened this year… I am taking the lazy way our and typing a letter. If you get one of these you should feel special though because I have taken the time to type, decorate, print, fold and mail it.

At the beginning of this year I had a few simple goals for myself… one was to see more shows… two was to have more fun and three, well three was suppose to lose a bit more weight. Two out of three ain’t that bad!

My year started out being with someone that didn’t deserve me… someone not even equal to what I dig out of my catbox everyday. I did learn some valuable life lessons through the failed relationship… and at my age anything new I learn is awesome! The thing we all need to remember in life is if we are doing things to please those around us instead of enjoying our life… we will die either resenting those who we let stand in our way… or we will die empty. I choose to do neither of those things and start doing exactly what I wanted to do this year… I saw a whole lot of live music!

This was definitely the year of music for me… I have gone to over 67 shows… seen over 290+ bands and met people that changed my life. I find nowadays that the experiences I have, the people I meet and the memories I make are the only true things we can have in this life. Cars break down, houses burn, but memories are always there to pluck out of your mind… to hold and cherish until you are senile and forget.

So, if some of you do not know I have my own marketing company I run in my ‘free’ time. I help with branding, logos, print media design and social media. I was fortunate enough to teach businesses how to use facebook for marketing at the Chamber of Commerce… I gotta say I never thought business people would be asking me how to market their company online! I branched out with my marketing company this year and added a new division… Booking & Management for bands. Since music is my passion and I am exceptional at marketing, organization and business in general… why not try and help talented people with their dreams as well. Most friends I have made in the last 5 years have ended up being in bands randomly enough… so why not! Although, this year is actually the first year where I feel like I am in the right place at the right time… everything I have been doing for the last 10 years has come together at the right time. I have been spending a lot of time in Portland this year too… for shows, but also to see more of my other family members/friends. I have decided eventually I need to move there… anyone that knows me can realize I am not a small town girl at all, nor have I ever been. This next year is going to be huge for me! I am launching my new updated website for my management and booking company in January… bringing on photographers and graphic designers to join the team and working with a new record label on 3 tours.

I think as long as you are honest with yourself and what you want out of life… even if you are struggling to live your dream… you are still way ahead of the game of life.

I hope you and yours are doing well and know that even if we haven’t spoken or seen each other in years… you are all in my thoughts!

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