Thursday, February 10, 2011

You're not wearing any pants...

So... I had the pleasure of going with my two favorite concerts buddies (Haywood and Brian B.) to a very intimate show at Johnny B's in Medford last night. And when I say intimate... I mean crowded, balls in your face and brutal small nonstop circle pit! One thing I absolutely love about small venues is the fact that it's like one extremely large fucked up family that you never want to be without enjoying the exact some thing you are and feeling the exact way you do. Music = Love

The evening starts out just like any other.... Haywood extremely bored and excited texting me wondering when I am coming to get him. Brian being fashionably late and making us wait - Adding to the anticipation. By 6pm that day I was on energy drink number 5... NUMBER 5! Holy shit how do I survive in life... or my nervous system? I drink the sugar free ones, so I think that really doesn't count. Needless to say, I am pretty damn spastic after 5 energy drinks... :-) The drive over consists of stories from past adventures... most recently the Red, Head, Disciple, Silverline show where we got to meet and greet the handsome little nuggets of Red. The question and answer session went something like this: "What is the inspiration for 'Breathe Into Me'? Blah blah blah... and then we have captain dumbass asking: "How do I become a rockstar?" Red politely responds with " I'm not really sure what you mean"... "How do I do what you do, so I can be fucking rich and get chicks?" LOL... the sad thing was the kid was totally serious... the look on the faces of the Red guys was priceless! Then there was the creepy, pathetic old lady stalker in her 1970s groupie gear... classic not always a classic! I figure if I can find pants to fit my ass in the rest of America can too... if you are wearing something that would get you put on the people of walmart website to a concert and can't understand why people are looking at you like Wtf... maybe you shouldn't be allowed to leave your house.

So... we arrive at the lovely Johnny B's and snag a space right in the front. For those of you that have never been there it is a little Rockabilly bar that also sells 40 oz beers (sublime style lol). I think the maximum occupancy is somewhere around 125 people. As soon as the show started there were about double that amount of people crammed in there moshing around. After the Hollowbodys killed in in one of the best sets I have seen them play, Boldtype took the stage. They are a punk rock band from Colorado. They did a great job... crazy pit action and kept the crowd engaged... definately important! One thing I found odd at this show was Brian and I stuck out like sore thumbs... which is completely odd for me! Usually when I go somewhere people stare at me like the odd one and on this particular evening people were staring at me like the normal one!? Me normal? Wow... punk shows rule! It didn't matter that I had studded bracelets on... converse sneakers, tee shirt, eyeliner and tattoos... what made me stand out was the fact I wasn't drinking. Actually Brian and I were the only people there that didn't have a 40oz in hand! LOL - classic :-) Guttermouth killed the final set of the show.. nonstop pit action, fuck yous and you sucks! Anyway... when they started playing the pit went wild... so wild in fact, one giant stack of speakers was completely knocked over and almost squished their guitar player!?! Hehe punk shows are so fun... gritty and real! I love it! After the show of course we had to do our networking and spend a little time with the bands. The great thins about bands like that is they are truly down to earth and there for a good time. It's not about money, fame... it's about the love of music and what music does to people... the affect it has on the human spirit and emotion.. fun and freedom in that moment.

After the show came the funniest fucking part of the night. Let me set the scene up... Taco Bell drive through... 1am, Medford, OR - Feb. 9th, 2011... Haywood is smashed by this time, Brian is delirious for being tired and me... well I am now 6 energy drinks into the evening, delirious and goofy. Trying to order food in the drive through with all of that going on is quite a task: "Welcome to Taco Bell, How are you this evening?" 'I'm fantastically delicious' "giggle giggle um ok... well I can take your order when you are ready" 'hmmmm ok. I would like a happy box please'... and then Haywood and Brian in the back are screaming out random words and making it sound like they are saying something and the receiving box is acting up... '' - Then I ask her what is in a spicy chicken burrito? "well chicken, green something sauce, tomatoes, lettuce and peas" 'peas? why the hell are peas in a burrito... are those fresh?' "no, no... cheese" 'yeah why are there peas in the burrito' - Brian says 'omg are you serious dumbass she said cheese... you know the orange stuff' LOL ohhhh yeah well it was hard to hear with tweedle dee and dumm in the back in my ear shouting random shit. So... we get our order placed and pull up to the window and the lady is just laughing by this time. Haywood leans over and rolls down his window and shouts its ok we just got done with a punk show... you know spikes and chains and kids dancing around in skinny jeans... So I turn around (forgetting the taco bell lady is standing there with the window open) and say 'for fuck sake Haywood... you're not wearing any pants so shut the fuck up' LOL omg that ladies face turned the brightest red I have ever seen on anyone in my life... then the entire staff proceeds to run to the window to get a glimpse of Haywood - little did they know he was wearing shorts LOL - Priceless moment for sure... just another day in the life of Jessica

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